Quote 'UR' Heart #4 - Lips

Welcome to Quote ‘UR’ Heart, a place to explore your thoughts and to write your heart. Everyone in this world love to quote his or her words in the way they wish. This place helps to bring the best quotes out of you. The challenge is write a quote for the theme (word) given. Every Sunday Morning 08:00 AM IST, I will be here with a word. Will you come here to write your heart? The prompt runs between Sunday 08:00 AM IST to Saturday 04:00 PM IST.

Some rules:
1. The quote should be original and it should sync with the theme.

2. The quote should be a single sentence. Write one sentence using no more than one semicolon that is no less than 10 words and no more than 25.

3. If you like any quote written by the fellow challengers, vote for it (I mean appreciate it by replying to the quote).
4. Don't criticize another's quote if you do not like it, kindly ignore it.
5. Do not BOLDEN your comment using the HTML Bold Tag.
6. Do not HYPERLINK your comment to any site using the HTML Anchor Tag.
7. Do not WRITE anything extra in your participating comments. If you want to justify or explain your quote kindly use REPLY option to do the same.
8. You can post more than one quote!
9. Keep these points in mind to make my job easier.
10. PS: I Reserve the Right to Reject Any QUOTE in case I find it to be inappropriate or not in sync with the topic or if it appears to be hurting someone.

Who can participate?
This challenge is open to all the thirsty hearts. All you need to do is to leave your quote as comment.

When can you write?
Sunday 08:00 AM IST – Saturday 04:00 PM IST

Are we selecting a winning quote?
Every week I will pick a quote either based on number of comments (appreciations or cheers) or the number of like your quote get in Few Miles Facebook Page or based on creativity and originality. The winning quote will be featured in Few Miles Facebook Page with author’s name for the album, Quote ‘UR’ Heart. (PS: The admin reserve the right to create an image using your words with your name as in the image below. By entering the challenge, the above rules are applicable by default.) If you have any queries, please contact me using the ‘Contact Me’ page.

Last Week Winning Quote:
quote courtesy : Mohinee, Simran and Pranali... Designed by Someone is Special

Check it out last week winner quote here and like it.

Are you ready for the challenge? Here you go! The theme for Week 4 is Lips.

You can follow this blog using google friends connect or via mail subscription!

If you are a contributor here, you can also suggest themes for future. I’ll pick one from the list at random each Sunday! You can suggest at the theme suggestions page.

Be proud to display the Quote ‘UR’ Heart badge in your blog/website.

Happy Writing! Have fun!

Copyrighted to Someone is Special
I am just a mail away!

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Thank you for visiting Few Miles. If you would like to contact me for advertisements, sponsorships, book reviews, product reviews, website reviews, giveaways, contests, or to provide feedback on my writing, please email me at sarav@iamsaravofficial.com. You can also fill out a form online or write to me anonymously on this site. Your support and encouragement as an inspiration is greatly appreciated. If you have a challenge for me, I would be happy to write about it. I believe that both constructive criticism and positive feedback can help a writer grow and improve. Please take a few minutes to leave your thoughts and feedback. Thank you for your sincere support.

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"முகமறியா நண்பர்களின் கருத்துக்களே எனக்கு படிகற்கள்"

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  1. "It is a two-line poem, which could be really sweet or sour at times; it depends, totally on the way we use it." - Someone is Special

  2. * The mystery of sealed lips can be unfold only by the one who is the reason behind that silence.

    *Lips have a power to spread the unsaid language of love; it depends on you how much you stretch it to make a curve

    *Lips are known for their leaving patches of love,a sudden sprinkle of bliss within and to shut one's engaged lips full of complains

    1. Loved all the three quotes Little one..

    2. same goes with me! ...all of them are sweet :D:D

    3. Lovely set of quotes Simi...Loved the first one the most!

  3. "Lips immersed in love are electrifying and tremendously full of glowing softness, which is borrowed from the heart... "

  4. "Either a person is on bed or dying, lips are the place where the truth resides, which was hidden in the heart... "

  5. Beautiful concept created here!...Awesome!
    Enjoyed reading each and every quote....All the so amazing!....

    Even I will take part in this :) Thank you for introducing this to me :)

    1. Valli, welcome to Quote 'UR' Heart. Glad you liked the concept.. I will be happy to read your quotes. Do share the word to the world! Thanks!

  6. Real beauty doesn’t lie in woman glossy lips, but in the lips that utter words of hope during his hardships. ( his = her love )

  7. movements of the two limbs marvel at mixing the mystical forces of love in the air

  8. Very true...Beautifully expressed fact!

  9. This is so true and beautiful!

  10. Tight-lipped is much better equipped to handle six billion worlds expressing in words..

  11. My second one..

    Thank God for my lips, I could whistle... wonder what would it be like without them..na..


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